Applicant Information

Greetings! πŸ‘‹

Undivided Faith, the first guild to be created on the Drinal server, is honored to have so many players interested in joining up with us. Our membership consists of both Raiding and Casual membership as we believe that a guild can retain its family feeling while raiding at a high level. We know that RL is important hence we have no minimum raiding requirement. We will not frown if you have to log during a raid to attend to your family - some things are more important. However expect higher raiding attendance to be better rewarded - you get out what you put in with UF.

Undivided Faith is as strong today as at any time in its past and its members remain close. This is due in large part to our application process. It’s one of the toughest around. It demands loyalty and dedication from those who undergo it - but it's that same loyalty and dedication that keeps UF strong. We do expect that if a raiding member is online during raid time, that they will join our raids and perform with skill and dedication. We are filtering our application process so that we will only give consideration to applicants that make an effort in getting involved with the members of the guild.

Current class restrictions have been made purely because our raids are often full. We would love to open our doors to everyone but it would not be fair to our current membership.

We also have a Casual status available to members who do not wish to raid.

Applicant Requirements

  1. Players are encouraged to Join Our Discord since it's our main way to communicate with fellow members.

  2. Player must understand and be willing to follow the guild rules at all times.

  3. Player, having been given the privilege of displaying the UF guild tag, must conduct themselves in a manner that brings honor to that guild tag and that is respectful to both guildmates and non-guildmates alike, throughout the entirety of their application period.

  4. *Player's primary character must be level 125 for Raider status, level 110 for Casual status.

  5. Casual applicants need to understand that a Casual membership should NOT be viewed as a "backdoor" to achieving Raider status.

    *If you do not meet our requirements - your application will be removed unless an Undivided Faith Member has agreed to sponsor your application.

Application Procedure

  1. Player must read the Rules & Policies and submit an application.

  2. After receiving your application, our recruitment officers will review it and contact you for an interview.

  3. Applicants have 60 days, from the time of being guild tagged to be evaluated to become full member. Whether seeking Raider or Casual status: the application period consists of an initial 30 days prior to going up for vote, followed by an additional 30 days of voting in which the applicant must obtain 20 "yes" votes from existing members (that have been in the guild for more than 3 active months). This allows time for (and encourages) the applicant to meet and interact with a variety of UF members via grouping/raiding/socializing, etc. to make sure they are a good fit UF and that the UF family is also a good fit for them. Any "no" votes will be discussed with the casting member and the officer team. If any applicant receives 5 vetoes, they will not be granted full membership with UF.

  4. Applicants are expected to create a looting plan, that includes group gear upgrades, raid gear upgrades, and augmentation and spell upgrades. This shows that you care about your character, have an understanding of your classes priorities, and also allows us to prioritize how best to help you grow in terms of assistance and/or loot. Many members are happy to help with fine tuning this list once the applicant puts the effort in create their plan.

  5. Upon receiving the votes to become a guild member, the applicant will have a final interview with a recruitment officer. The applicant will be on probation for three months. During this three month period any concerns about the probationary member will be handled by the officers. After the three months full privileges will be given including full access to the forums. Voting rights are also given at this time.

  6. Any applicant whose application is denied will be handled on a personal basis with the recruitment officers privately.

  7. Applicants will be offered a guild tag for raids and guild events for the DURATION of the application.

NOTE: The Undivided Faith guild tag is a PRIVILEGE, NOT a RIGHT. The manner in which you act during your application reflects upon our guild, yourself, and the management in it's entirety. Govern yourself accordingly.

Sponsorship Procedure:

  1. Sponsored applicants are those people whom the elder members feel are Undivided Faith material. Elder members who have been in the guild for at least one year will be able to sponsor applicants.

  2. Members must contact a recruitment officer to determine sponsorship eligibility.

  3. Upon the members declaring to a recruiting officer one's intent to sponsor, the applicant must message here in Discord official application to that Recruiting Officer and go through an interview.

  4. The benefit of sponsorship is that players who do not meet our requirements or who are a class we are not currently accepting can apply to UF.

  5. The applicant will then have 60 days to acquire the needed votes for full membership, just as any other applicant.